Six tips for Research Study and Research Output films

Six tips for Research Study and Research Output films

1. Don’t sweat it! You’re not delivering a thesis. We can start from a few key points, scan existing literature and always ask for clarification if we don’t understand something.

2. Tailor to your audience. Who is this for? Other academics? General public? Funders or policy makers? Tell us who you’re aiming at so we can pitch the level accordingly, and suggest a suitable format.

3. Choose your cast. Who tells your story best? The Principal Investigator may tick the box for funders, but potential new recruits may identify better with early career researchers or technical staff. And how about third parties such industrial partners or study participants to sing your praises?

4. Get visual. What can we show beyond talking heads? It doesn’t have to be fancy experiments. How about data visualisations, archival material, or simply discussing concepts with your colleagues? And if you can’t film it, talk to us about graphics or animation.

5. Film yourself. Mobile phones mean you can easily shoot your own footage of fieldwork or conferences to build up a mini-archive. Plan ahead so we can offer guidelines that will really improve the usability of your DIY shots.

6. Relax! We’re not journalists looking to grill you. We’ll work with you as a team to help you prepare and show your best side. We’ll never use anything you’re not happy with. Editing is your friend to make you look slick on camera.

If you’d like to discuss ideas about how to showcase your research, do get in touch. We love hearing about the latest studies and helping to promote innovative work.